Sunday, July 8, 2012

another week down.

Well, It goes without saying that I am obviously not good at this blogging thing! I forgot to post last weeks blog, so it's a 2 for 1 deal this week! Aaron's doing so much better, thank goodness. His fever finally broke, but he still has a nasty cough. Things are finally settling in for me that I won't get to see him in a few weeks or hug him for a year. I have become so used to being away from him for weeks and months at a time, that the reality of him being gone for a year didn't really hit me when he left. But, each week is just one week closer to holding him in my arms again. 3 weeks down, 49 or so more to go!! Pray for him this week as they really start doing things they will do overseas and that he continues to get better. Be looking out for the next blog, it will be all about my trip to the West Coast : ) Until then, maybe take some time out of your busy schedule and to love on someone who is hurting. Or, find a family with a deployed spouse/parent and see if there is anything you can do for them. You will be amazed what a simple phone call or card can do for someone going through a tough time <3

Short and sweet

I know I promised at least one post a week and I’m sorry for letting you all down. I know you sit by your computers anxiously waiting to read my super interesting blog : ) I had all four wisdom teeth cut out last Monday, so my days were spent lying in my recliner high as a kite while my wonderful mother took the best care of me. Her only mistake, giving me a bell, which I only rang when she posted my chipmunk picture of Facebook or when I needed more grits! But, I couldn’t be mad at her for the picture, she truly went above and beyond caring for me and taking care of my sweet (crazy) puppy, Chandler. My dad was great too, when he wasn’t trying to make me laugh, which was never because he thought it was funny to watch me hold my cheeks and try not to laugh because it hurt so badly. He really does love me, I promise! My Poppa made me a few of his famous chocolate milkshakes which are always wonderful and my grandmamma, well she just always makes everything better. It’s what grandmas do. Aaron always got to see me at my best. He is a couple hours behind me, so by the time we were able to facetime my drugs were in full swing, which made for some interesting conversations, much of which I don’t really remember. I was swollen and sore for several days, but things finally seem to be almost back to normal, thank goodness!!
                Now, for what really matters, my soldier. He is doing well. They are still in states training before they head over. It is extremely hot, so several have passed out during field trainings. Aaron had to have a small pox vaccination and the side effects are not necessarily convenient for things he has to do on a daily basis. He hasn’t felt well the past few weeks and the heat gives him pretty bad headaches. He isn’t able to take time off obviously and get the rest he really needs, so he rests when he can. It kills me not to be able to take care of him and I get angry with the Army for not giving him the time he needs to get better, but it is part of the job. Soldiers don’t get days off! So, please continue to keep him in your prayers and pray for healing so he can get the best training possible before he leaves.